Last Thursday we attended at the University of Deusto the conference “The social impact of organizations as a contribution to sustainable development” organized by the BBK Foundation – Obra Social and Eusko Jaurlaritza – Basque Government. Of all the interventions, Adolfo Morais, who spoke about the social impact that each one of us wants to have on society, stood out. Also, Nora Sarasola Irizar, who dealt with the new model of doing things in a way that is more respectful of the planet, people and organizations. In addition, we would like to thank all the speakers for their talks, especially Maria Lambarri who presented the most important report of the day. Also Ángelica López, Ane Agirre Romarate, CARLOS BALLESTEROS, Lisa Hehenberger and Verónica Urda Gonzalez, head of social impact at BBK. Eskerrik asko horrelako ekitaldiak antolatzeagatik. Oso jardunaldi atsegina izan da eta #Compostre eko taldeak aprobetxatu du.