This Saturday we were part of the Compostree team planting trees with the Lurgaia Foundation to recover a little piece of the landscape and natural heritage of #Zalla. The City Council of Zalla is promoting to convert into #forests some land that for years have been exploited with different #species of exotic conifers planting more than 400 trees and shrubs. Now we want, with the help of the City Council of Zalla and the BBK Foundation, to give back little by little the natural aspect and values by planting trees and shrubs of native species of the area.
Compostreen 🌱 , sakon baloratzen dugu Lurgaia Fundazioaren etengabeko laguntza. Gure ekosistema kaltetuak berreskuratzeko eta kontserbatzeko duen konpromisoa inspiratzailea da. Elkarrekin, biodibertsitatea ingurune zaharberrituetan loratzen den etorkizuna sortzeko lanean ari gara. Bat egin gurekin Lurgaia Fundazioaren lan garrantzitsua sustatzeko eta babesteko. #Compostree #forestry #Conservation #Biodiversity #EnvironmentalCommitment