Yesterday we were at Bodegas Itsasmendi taking them some samples of Compostree’s products. 馃尡

Yesterday we were at Bodegas Itsasmendi taking them some samples of Compostree ‘s products that they are going to test in their new plantations. products that they are going to test in their new plantations. Thank you for trusting the team and our work to take care of your vineyards 馃崌!

Atzo Itsasmendi Upeltegietan 馃嵎izan ginen, bertako sail berrietan egingo dituzten Compostree 馃尡 produktuen lagin batzuk eramaten. Eskerrik asko zuen mahastiak zaintzeko lantaldean eta gure lanean konfiantza izateagatik! 馃崌